Bedford Country School is a unique, independent school situated at the foot of the Kaga Mountain range in the green heart of the Eastern Cape midlands. In this safe and nurturing setting, our children are given the freedom to come to school barefoot, to climb trees, to play in the mud and most importantly – to be children.
We believe children learn best when they are having fun, which is lived out in our school motto:
“Learning and loving it!”
Bedford Country School is a place where a sense of excitement and a love for learning can be felt emanating from the classrooms. Where every child has a sense of belonging, where we respect nature and where teachers nurture and encourage every child to reach their full potential.
We offer comprehensive academic and extra-mural programmes to small classes and strive towards developing the mind, body and spirit while preparing our children for the day that they move on to High School.
“A good education is a foundation for a better future” – Elizabeth Warren
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